Simple ways to make blogs

  BLOGGING :     
  Blogging doesn't really need any introduction, but since we always introduce the subject of our article, let us get this essential job out of the way. A Portmanteau of web and  log-blogs are simply personalized web sites that are  as good as an online diary. 

 That was the intended definition. These days, however, collaborative blogs by corporate teams have sprouted all over the internet since the content in a blog is determined by the user, there can be blogs on practically any subject under the sun.

Blogs are a great way of expressing opinions unhindered by the fear of censorship or unwillingness of publishers. It's free.... it's fast..... and it's easily accessible all you need is account with any of the myriad blogging services which are generally available for free. Customise  your blog with templates, widgets, write content and create a community of readers. 

You can  also upload pictures and videos. Blogs are a great source of  news and have been used effectively by political activists, writers, professionals and the like to get their message across. To know what the world is talking about,you need to be a familiar with blogs.

A new fad these days in micro-blogging. This is really catching on as people find that they don't have all day at hand to write those long insightful pieces. Such services allow you to write sentences with not more than 200 -1000 words, while answering a standard question like "what are you doing". If you have used the status feature in Facebook, then you probably known what we are talking about. Here, is a rundown of the most common and popular blogging tools you will ever need.

Blogger, is one of the most widely known blog hosting web sites it used to be an independent site before being taken over by Google.

  Therefore,you can use your Google account to create a blog-in a few minutes, complete with all the bells and whistles and the eye candy. Here is how you go about doing that navigate to ( and sign in using your Google username and password. You will have to choose a name for your blog.

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